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الخميس، 11 أغسطس 2011

Site furniture of the Egyptian industry

With a total investment in the Egyptian industrial sector during the past two decades, about 144 billion pounds, of which 84 billion provinces and 54 billion in new cities.

The number of registered industrial establishments of the private sector, 25 thousand and 200 thousand, including 21 plant and 830 plant started operation in the last twenty years.

 Industrial exports about 52 percent of the total commodity exports and the industry about 5.2 million people, representing 30 percent of the labor force in the economic sectors. IMC's strategy overall plan for industrial modernization program aimed at improving the competitiveness of Egyptian industries through four specific programs is the technical support for industrial facilities, institutional development and program quality, and industrial policy, where technical support is aimed for industrial establishments to improve the competitiveness of the industrial facilities at the local and global, and export development

 In this context, is to provide technical support for the 233 facility work in the field of textile and clothing sector in collaboration with Warner, the world, and the IMC is currently preparing a white paper for the Egyptian industry, which focuses on the need for radical changes the industrial sector in Egypt and provide specific solutions to problems facing the sector, and focus on the implementation mechanisms of these solutions and to develop plans to provide technical support to a thousand other establishment include 150 facilities operating in the textile and clothing sector, and 200 in the furniture sector, and 50 in the software sector, and 100 in the food industry, and 150 in the sector of engineering and chemicals industries, in addition to completing the network of business development centers, and the establishment of a national coordinating body, and access to financial sufficiency for a sustainable income through the development of hubs, as it is the most important new mechanisms which will be launched during the coming period

 The furniture industry in Egypt, one of the main industries in which it is hoped the Alalkiem an active role in the absorption of more workers and attract more investments and will benefit the furniture industry in Egypt of the financing agreement with the European Union created a new mechanism is the establishment of a fund loan guarantee of $ 10 million euros, and will begin work in this fund over the next year, in addition to the presence of three important programs is to create a fund to support the competitiveness with respect to machinery, the risks of the fund innovative projects, and aims to encourage investment in new projects, particularly in the furniture industry.

The concentrated essence of success for the furniture industry in Egypt in addition to the presence of the industrial base of advanced social and political stability, legislative, especially after the issuance of regulations that encourage and facilitate the investors set up projects, and there were several areas of industrial activities characterized by the presence of major markets for their products and these markets expand in size continually encourages increase the production of furniture products also has comparative advantages and competitiveness in terms of cost and price and availability of qualified labor force to work on the latest equipment available and have ongoing training in professional training institutes all over the governorates, including: training centers on the furniture industry.

 There is no doubt that the furniture industry in Egypt, would create a great deal of economic development in order to maximize the productive capacity of Egypt's furniture industry which involves the efficient use of available production capacities and attracting more new investments and to achieve production efficiency to reach production to the ideal size for each unit and human resources development (labor and management) to be prepared to contest severe that may face such products in global markets and local markets after Thariraltjarh Foreign Affairs and after the construction of modern infrastructure necessary to establish a strong industry capable of competing and success in implementing the first phase of economic reform, a comprehensive financial reform and monetary.

As well as encourage manufacturers owners of small and medium-sized workshops and support its role as one of the tributaries or the final products, furniture and complementary feeding of large-scale industries and expansion in the dissemination of furniture in different governorates

 Waiting for the furniture industry in Egypt, a promising future as it managed during the last ten years to leapfrog toward the rapid growth and competition at the international level where theaim of the Egyptian Ministry of Industry through the program of modernization of industry, which includes all the industrial activities of small and medium-sized as it is not limited to a certain number of manufacturers, but includes all manufacturers of Egypt in the various industries, including the implementation of a comprehensive program to develop the furniture industrybased on the land of Egypt, both in the Damietta or other targets where the first phase includesthe development of a facility for 70 furniture sector in Egypt.

The Product Exhibition furniture factories Permanent in Damietta, one releases this Egyptian furniture industry and related accessories, attended by about 120 companies from variousEgyptian companies operating in the furniture industry emphasize the need to take advantage ofEgyptian Industries, which has an international reputation for good and well-known, including theFurniture Damietta, located in most global markets, especially in Italy, France, Germany, England, Austria
and others.

 The program update to the Furniture Industry in cooperation with the governorate of Damietta create a spirit of cooperation and coordination between the manufacturers of furniture in Damietta, which facilitated accurate diagnosis of their problems and develop appropriate solutions and immediate to him in addition to providing skilled and create marketing opportunities in front of them, stressing that the country is keen to take care of the investment projects, develop and promote exports.

The exhibitions organized by the Industry Modernization Center of Egypt or the participation of its positive impact on the Egyptian industry, which succeeded in concluding contracts directly and indirectly, among many Egyptian factories and global markets, particularly as it enjoys the attributes of international quality and tastes of high and suitable price, stressing that he is follow these exhibitions and evaluate the results carefully to ensure maximum benefit from this special exhibition of Egyptian products, furniture.

 Not only the update on the industrial installations, but also extends to software quality and testing and calibration laboratories are key elements to increasing exports to many Egyptian factories operating in the furniture industry.

And assess the Egyptian Ministry of Industry relations with representatives of international companies, investors and furniture that are invited to watch the Egyptian furniture products and features and capabilities enjoyed by the Egyptian furniture, particularly in upscale quality and taste and the right price

For its part, the province of Damietta, the main product for the furniture industry in Egypt, the implementation of a comprehensive plan for the development of this important activity in its natural place where the assembly plants operating in the furniture industry in Damietta in the assembly of one as he was forming a committee was later developed into an association called the Association for the Development of furniture in Damietta, praised the role played by the industrial modernization program to improve the quality and taste of these products and to facilitate their presence on international markets and is scheduled to open College of Applied Arts in Damietta, where about 200 students to provide skilled and capable of absorbing modern technology of the industry.

And the IMC developed strategic plans for the advancement of furniture manufacturing, which represents one of the major industries met the target of industry modernization program of the province alone, Damietta, about 35 thousand production plant, workshop and travel about 75% of exporters of Egyptian furniture to the Middle East, Europe and the United States of America
The furniture industry in Damietta come within the sectoral regional programs implemented by the modernization program, which includes a program (Damietta: Centre of Excellence) to provide export development services for medium-sized enterprises in the furniture sector in Damietta 197.300 euros for the financing of 15 companies manufacturing furniture in Damietta.

And given the IMC a high priority to make a real boom in the Egyptian furniture industry and take advantage of the vast potential in Egypt and the organization of exhibitions, hosting a group of international experts to provide expertise and transfer of expertise and export to world markets has made factories participated in exhibitions organized by the software export contracts for a large enough to run production lines for more than a season to come.

 And Egypt attaches special attention to the need to rely on the national industrialization and national industries, whether factories the government or the private sector factories including the furniture industry with the aim of boosting the competitiveness of Egyptian industry to deal with foreign markets in the European Partnership Agreement A report published by the Center industrial modernization to provide 885 companies in the modernization program, including 65 companies from the city of Damietta to develop the furniture industry .. This is the update. In the factories and focuses on the development of production processes and the introduction of quality systems and management training, employment and the formation of professional services marketing.

80 has been developed to comply with factory specifications and Global 260 companies participated in training programs for the development of human capacity in the senior and middle management and industrial management .. The 4 centers were established to serve the industries in the Tenth of Ramadan and Sixth of October City, Alexandria, Damietta, the modernization program will be held with the Society in Damietta furniture exporters to develop them through a center of technological and design center and training center and showrooms in European countries.

The Egyptian government has recently reduced tariffs and included 80% of the tariff cuts production requirements for the revitalization of the Egyptian industry to be accompanied by the reduction of tariff reduction imposed on the protection of Egyptian Industries until equilibrium is achieved and can compete for the Egyptian products, especially in the furniture industry.


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