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الخميس، 11 أغسطس 2011

Industry cans coincidences

Altsidiv industry originated thousands of years historians have disagreed about the first invented, but does not dispute that it has spread mainly in Egypt and the Levant, where the way that artists excelled Ozhilt the world and made him more interested in this industry has increased his concern for fear of extinction

 For coincidences in Palestine, which is characterized shrines tourism religious goes back industry to the Franciscan Friars who came from Damascus, and they train local workers on the craft as they brought in craftsmen from Genoa in Italy to help in the training of the sons of the city and the artisans at the beginning of it using shell slave product from the Red Sea but the coincidences currently imports from Japan, the Philippines, Australia and California, Mexico, Brazil and New Zealand. And enable the artisans of making statues and the fragmentation of shells into small pieces for coating various forms by the The bulk of the material psoriasis-made crosses, earrings and Albrocat and binding of books and miniature models of the places sacred and there in Bethlehem 97 plant olive wood, and 36 factory shells.

 Among the historical facts is a coincidence that the Palestinians have used the ancients, where they found the graves decorated with shells in the city of Jericho, dating back to 7000 BC.

The grafted products now exist by chance in abundance in our daily lives where we find the entrances to buildings, mosques, churches, and chairs made ​​on the forms of heritage. This has helped the spread of these products is to enter fake coincidences industry Altsidiv frequently willwe face in another part of this article to find out how real coincidences and distinguish it fromimitators

Shell is a shell or peel animals freely extracted from the sea, including the house of pearls and is characterized by multi-colors that represent colors of the rainbow is the most expensive types of coincidences.

After extracting the shell from the sea or rivers, sometimes comes the stage of preparation in order to reach the person decorated ready to do its work of art, and there are many workshops, which holds the setup and decoration.

 Called first followed by the extraction process of sanding, and to become a shell a soft touch and then cut into thin slices called, each highlighting, and up thickness highlighted to 2 and 3 mm and then placed to cut the required shapes such as hexagon or eight or any other forms depending on the design that seeks to decorate decorated

 Is the previous stage of the most difficult stages, the process of cutting coincidences of the most delicate processes in this profession and you need to experience and effort to be in the form required, Valsdfah one takes a long time to reach the shape they desire decorated has up time to 5 minutes, while the piece in full can be completed in three days if they are small (such as hospitality boxes, or smoke), and six days if the larger pieces for three months if a large piece of furniture such as chairs.

Needs decorated by chance any piece he wants the owner decorated, or that he is decorating the pieces of his own to sell, but if we talked specifically about decorating cans preferred to be of walnut because it is easy to drill and cut big, brown burned, solid, does not crack with time, and published during the work, and is working on stages, in the beginning, draw the shape to be drilled on paper Alcalk pencil drawing and then transporting wood.

There are several types of Altsidiv differ in terms of volumes of shell or form, or method of decorating, there are Altsidiv Arab Altsidiv Dingle and Altsidiv engineering, and in this Altsidiv engineering is not the use of shells large, but is characterized by this type Bck block sizes psoriasis that adorn the boxes, and for Marquetry Dingle we find that used to decorate the large pieces, such as funds and limited only by the use of any decorating chairs and large wooden pieces, which are usually exported to abroad at exorbitant prices due to the need of the foreign market for these handicrafts.

What distinguishes this type of Altsidiv it is the demand of tourists, especially Gulf Arabs, they prefer such shapes and sizes from the other.

On the other hand, we find that European and American tourists prefer Altsidiv which uses a small Sdwiat and sold them at high prices.
There are two ways to inoculate wood by chance, and is a preference of any of these methods on the same patterned and the extent of his skill and perhaps Taudh.
Arabic style

There are way old Arab is out of the methods used in Altsidiv and need skilled labor and summarized this way the work piece full by the carpenter and then comes paint to make the suit desired and then factor may tin, which dug a place for clues tin and install and then installs a working mother of pearl pieces made ​​by the painting can be used copper and iron within the shell of the vaccinated, as strings can be entered in the silver pieces of precious expensive, and you can imagine the effort exerted in order to remove decorative piece as required, through the work of a battalion composed of the foremost artists of this craft and lovers: Atguenunha.

 Egyptian way

The Egyptian way it is easy not easy, but significantly ease were compared with the complex processes needed by the Arab way.

The way the Egyptian side of the paving of coincidences to be some way to fill the vacuum and toothpaste appears consistently, and perhaps you dear reader to find most of the works of psoriasis are made this way as increasing its presence in the furniture and old houses.

The most important elements of creativity in this art is how to highlight the idea and studied and then implemented in practice.

Valenqouchet Islamic motifs characteristic of Arab countries like Syria and Egypt in addition to Iraq and these ornaments are overlapping and different geometric forms need to be craftsmen specializing in this area.

Despite the hand-craft work in psoriatic vaccination rates go up every piece Closed Bhrvna art, and a clear increase in proportion to the size and magnificence of precision technical interventions.

* The workshops specialized in cutting natural shell pieces work great and small, depending on the required forms, and here we take into account the type and size of piece was the more busythe largest piece was vaccinated easier and the smaller size of the work was a more accurateand deeper. Then we happened to install each piece with an adhesive (glue a natural extractfrom the members of the animal) and take into account in this to be in the exact place withoutdeparture from (the painting) and this highlights the aesthetic of the work when completedentirely.

     * It can download these pieces of wood and shape the can until the shell is highlighted in the face of the box gives a blueprint spontaneously, as is not selected the painting, but only be determined the middle and then is phased and as Afq from the minds of patterned produce the painting Almusdfah therefore rarely similar fees and decoration between the Almusdfah cans,and usually preferred by artists and there is this difference in dimensions, drawings and trends to achieve excellence, but singularity

It is noteworthy that from this process is the oldest person in the workshop because they need not be a great experience for any small Snaiei obtained quickly or proficiency in the work, where normally no less experience than the process of this paste for 10 years.

After the stage of the organization of coincidences on the box comes another stage called the stage of settlement through the inventory of coincidences refrigerant until a single level and becomes the surface smooth like marble, then the literal Ptnaimha paper known in the profession (b Smadsh) until smooth too, and then open the box and make their all edges are painted with mineral oil, and advised the elders of the profession put this mineral oil without the other because it gives the can brighter lasts for a long time and keep the shell keeping the colors unlike other paint that may change the color of the shell original.

 Often we mentioned earlier words (colors coincidences), and usually asks a beginner in this profession for color natural accidents away from artificial colors, and there are multiple colors of seashell, syphilis, white and rainbow and green colors multi, black, yellow and different price cutting Almusdfah depending on the size and shape of the piece and the time spent so produced and the effort and the type of shell used in the decoration.

 * It is practice for the sale of these pieces of psoriasis, the small pieces of geometric shapes up to $ 250 price and the price rises with the large size of the segment up to a thousand dollars and the price fits the pieces large wooded Kalsnadik and chairs, and others.

     * You have to remember dear reader, that these amounts are not paid in vain, but to get a product manual sophisticated made ​​professionally, so do not be surprised that some manufacturers complain of lack of these prices compared to what Abzloh of effort and spend the money and takes the time to graduation piece of art to properly satisfy the tastes of tourists who realize significantly the value of this work, contrary to what some people imagine that tourists buy such manual work, without knowing just what to do with the effort so we find there goods are made professionally very few, therefore, be located stores and on sidewalks without being sold to the public conscious lover of art by hand.

 Everything seems to be authentic and beautiful in our lives on the way to extinction for the remains of modernity affects all of the stands in front of even traditional handicraft and that value lies in its authenticity, and for decoration by chance, the profession Altsidiv and vaccination cans by chance natural non-existing lot and the number of workers by decreasing, and is the biggest problem that the elders of the profession does not bequeath this craft to their children, where usually busy sons industries newest and turning to gain speed without great effort, which you need a career Altsidiv, and is a glimmer of hope for this craft endangered is the demand of tourists growing them and they understand the true value and the value of manual labor and effort.

In Egypt, there is a deficit in the workshops that run on Altsidiv Pharaonic, which does not exceed the ten workshops, but there are many workshops that work on Altsidiv Muslim in Egypt up to 200 workshop.

 Industry is characterized by chance vaccination plastic is easy compared to the great art of natural vaccination by chance, this craft is an industry exclusive, although some artistic taste and craftsmanship few, so production is characterized by scanty but at a few.

And fit the industry with the potential for small investors, who have little money, as the vaccination needs to be by chance liquidity big material due to the high price of wood marquetry addition to the high salary of the literal and the shell itself.

The industry is characterized vaccination by chance plastic that it does not need much experience in this field Gz can be learned with little information with some practice simple to reach a good result, and in contrast to the industry vaccination by chance and natural that you need to experience a multi-year addition to the fork of specialization among artisans


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