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الخميس، 11 أغسطس 2011

Stained Glass

Man knew the glass since the beginning of history, I found many tools are made of natural glass in different parts of the world, was the discovery of fire to great effect in the industries that depend on temperature, such as pottery and glass.

Has been defined by the ancient Egyptians indicate many of the papyri to confirm that the ancient Egyptians were the first glass and knew him, was found in the tombs of the oldest traces of this article, where they were to make such weapons before the Birth of about four thousand years, and there are some of the work of beads and charms glass dated to this period .

Found in Egypt as well as the rod of glass back to the reign of the King, "Amenhotep III", and remains penis glass remains in the Berlin Museum, as there is in a museum (the Metropolitan) of Art in New York Cup, especially the king Tuthmosis III, one of the effects that indicate the versatility of the ancient Egyptians in the manufacture of this art, have been found in Tel el-Amarna glass used in the three-dimensional decorative purposes and supplements for the manufacture of furniture and statues.

 The glass industry stained a prominent art glass of old that we see in many mosques, churches, historic palaces, and experiencing at the same time on the accuracy and skill of the manufacturer is recognized, as evidenced by art-Badi as they contain the mosques and palaces of the inscriptions on the glass in the formations decorative masterpiece of the elements and forms plant and engineering precision.

The glass industry of the ancient crafts which are inherited from generation to generation after generation until this day and age, a character which draws material from the environment, which relies on the waste glass as raw material, and the colors chosen by the artisan.

The industry has seen considerable development and significant in the Islamic era in the Arab region, especially in the Levant and the Maghreb countries, and Islamic ornamentation emerged on the surface of the mirrors and bottles colors and gold-plated inscriptions overlapping lines and geometrical patterns that characterize the Islamic art.

And remained in the prosperity of the profession and have gained great importance in the period between the fourth century AH, and until the fourteenth century, and then introduced the modern techniques in the manufacture of glass blowing as forms of traditional alternative, the association is closely linked with the decorative products and accessories.

 It was the method of blowing glass in a special position in the production of bottles, vases, decorations, this method is dependent on the mobilization of the air inside the bottles and molds after a heated and melted at high degrees of heat, as the process of blowing into a mass of dough glass produces different forms of glass products Kalabariv, vases and cans of candy funds and ornamental bottles, and identifies the literal form and the final size of the piece to be configured, and chooses the later type of decoration and engraving on the surface, and needs the craftsman who works in the glass industry to the skills of highly technical Kalmthabrh to furnaces operating in the high temperatures of the heat, and ongoing training for periods of up to 4 years to master this industry, as well as provide the capability must be creative and artistic at the craft to gain more skill and creativity, and in this craft that you need to keep up with time and development and production of various models and the other from time to time 
Stained glass

I knew the different types of stained glass out of date, still the impact of this art is still in theeffects of Granada, where the "Alhambra" decorated with chandeliers and Aalghemriaat glass,as well as the Mosque of Cordoba, which was held during the reign of Caliph Abd al-Rahmanibn Mu'awiya (Abdul Rahman Al-home) which is adorned by more than 365 rich The lamp andlamp oils.

By now, stained glass from the material most modern buildings, which have been a meredecoration for a long period of time, which is subject to the day of the steps more innovative, andas a result of optimization of the potential large in the glass, as well as the exploitation of new technologies and the development of creative thinking and engineering

Stained Glass in the Islamic era:

A stained glass art from the art of construction and decoration in Islamic heritage, For a long time was the recruitment of glass colors in the building is indispensable in the construction of palaces and buildings, as a key element of the decor that adds beauty and charm in Islamic architecture, where the spread glass windows stained stucco manifestation manifestations of Islamic architecture which were in line with the different circumstances of that society.

Examples of early frescoes circle windows "windows of monumental" Bbadih Sham and the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus and the Mosque of Amr Ibn al-Fustat in Egypt and the Mosque of Ahmad Ibn Tulun.

 The prevailing view among scholars of art and artifacts from before the first appearance of the windows of stucco mesh glass was in the Ayyubid period, in the windows of the Dome of the tomb of Sultan Salih Najm al-Din Ayyub supplement his school Balnhacen in Cairo, but archaeological excavations have proved that the stained glass plaster used since the Umayyad period and continued in the palaces of the Abbasid caliphs, as used in the late Fatimid panels of plaster stained colored glass instead of panels marble and stone circle, turning this technical approach to building Ayyubid period, reaching the height of its prosperity in the Mamluk era, and became a hallmark of the building of civil and religious in the Ottoman era.

Has defined some of the Muslim world, several types of windows such as Almdorat marble Yemen (Aalghemriaat) which was characterized by Brguetha no thicker than a centimeter and a half to allow the entry into force of light through it, and (deaconesses) of Morocco which is a windows semi-circular highest doors and windows and cover wood and stained glass and allow the light of the sun, with the entry of the Ottomans to many of the country became the Islamic style windows with stucco mesh is the prevailing method.

But what are the Aalghemriaat and sunshades?
Is (Aalghemriaat and sunshades), a salient elements in buildings of Arab and Islamic countries, which have been employed to find a nexus between the value of the aesthetic and utilitarian, it functions to prevent the insects that infiltrate from outside the building to the inside, and thus achieves the principle of security on human life, as they guide the amount of light entering the scene and prevent dust, and reduce the loads on columns carrying the decades.

The creation of the sunshades and Aalghemriaat motivated by the desire to alleviate the light in the palaces built by the caliphs in Damascus and then used in the mosques with open courtyards for the same purpose, and the spread of this type of windows in buildings, religious and know these windows are usually called "Lunar" if it is round, and as the "solar" if it is round, and the oldest of which box is saved in the Islamic Museum in Cairo and its origin from the University of Prince "Akjmas", which dates to the late nineteenth century AH (the fifth century AD).

 Use the Arabs plaster "cast" of the Umbrella & Aalghemriaat raw material essential when you interleave the glass, the lack of impediments to the spread of dry weather on the one hand and the stability of most of the seasons of the year on the other hand, in addition to the warmth caused by the sun, which form a coalition with the gypsum raw material used in the interlock.

But those raw materials did not correspond with the atmosphere of Europe affected by climate cold with high humidity most of the seasons, putting forward different European climate on Vaném idea of ​​replacing the plaster with metal malleable easy is (lead) or (tile cement drive after drought), these two Vtan with stained glass made ​​for Europe techniques known instances reflect a consensus between the raw and climate are the "author dead art glass," and "glass tiles with cement."

Has inspired artists of the West, art glass windows of Islamic architecture, with the replacement of plaster chips of lead proved by the glass, for the appropriate lead of the atmosphere cold that prevails in Europe, but the artist's European arranged pieces of glass so that the fee is human figures, animals, and religious scenes (icons) is different in that for decorative nature that characterized the work of Islamic art and stained glass windows of a dead key and uniquefeature in churches and cathedrals executed by the artistic style Gothic and Romanesque .
 The development of stained glass industry in Europe:

The evolution of art glass windows stained Arab restaurant "sunshades and Aalghemriaat" in the tenth century AD, in Europe, where it appeared they called European model (Almyryc) relative to the North African Arabs and Moroccans, and they are making this model one of two ways:
By carving marble or stone and the introduction of cut glass, carved in the place.
By placing pieces of glass in the filler before they dry, and are strengthening and consolidating the filler put iron bars within it, and thus the filler iron-fortified surrounded with glass, and most models based on this method (windows of the Blue Mosque) in Istanbul, Turkey, where the use glass windows in the design of excellent drawings of flowers.

 After the stained glass industry developed, and became the use of lead and copper as an alternative to marble, stone and filler, the designs become more beautiful and better quality and less expensive
A Mosaic Art Stained Glass:

 Were foreign word mosaic offset in the Arabic language word (Mosaic), which indicates the type of art is based primarily on the compilation of pieces of stone, ceramic, or a small glass in the end give the desired shape in the form of unique, exquisite.

Used configurations "mosaic," made ​​of glass to clothe walls, exterior and interior of buildingsand clothing Wood, or to work Banohat private and often used way "mosaic" in the manufacture of the modules decoration manufactured for the entrances and walkways in factories, companies, stairs and bathrooms, for ease of Tashagaha (concrete) as well as for use in the work tables and chairs around the
swimming pools.

  Mosaic of multiple schools:

Has excelled school Byzantine deepen the art (mosaic) the manner expressive symbolic, and excelled ARTISTS to use the beautification of churches backgrounds gold and divisions very creativity, while headed for school romance to the way academic, so to that enjoyed by patrons of the skill and precision in the formulation and manufacture of crudes glass cooked, and get the shades too close to each other, to the extent that the viewer of these paintings can not differentiate between them and the oil paintings, and there are these wonderful works of art on the walls of buildings, the Church of Rome, the Vatican and various other places in Italy

Mosaic Islamic
There is no doubt that the art (mosaic) Islam is the most unique and distinctive of all the arts (mosaic) the other, an actual extension (14) centuries played Islamic art plays an important role in influencing the civilizations that came after him and still influence is present even now, footprints remaining of the era medieval Islamic give us a picture of exquisite form of life in that era, which represents the best in geometric precision used in the mosques and buildings that remained for us since that time.

The artist used the Muslim new approach in the art of mosaic is the one who made ​​him cut mosaic forms distinguish it from other arts, and demonstrated this difference in the best pictures in the creation of geometric forms pentagonal and hexagonal, Egypt has seen the finest forms of creativity and innovation in the art of mosaics, especially in works of art the use of the patterns of engineering, including the (niche) with mosaic marble color, but in the Arab Maghreb countries are still artists are using the patterns and forms stellate and round and five-and six-and four-shapes and curved made ​​all of the material of marble and porcelain color, so give the assembled forms of dishes asterisk .

Has benefited the art of mosaic of Islamic Art (mosaic) the other that preceded it, and the story of this mixing and interaction, including start since the opening of the Arabs of the Levant, where they found a technical school affiliated to the roots of Sasanah - Hellenism - Byzantine, and found artists Hwam received their tactics art by artists from the Roman , Fastvedua of this art and have developed, have discovered the mark French (de Loret) parts of the typical form was covered with mortar at the Umayyad Mosque used where artists mosaic in the design view of the river gorgeous on its bank internal large trees overlooking a landscape full of cartoons groves many among the trees and forests , and these buildings a drawing of a playground for horses, and another fee for the failure of two floors and columns, beautiful, and draw the third courtyard of a square with a roof of a Chinese-style, as well as groves small appear to be made ​​so as to be stacked one above the other, and over the river there are arch-like bridge are other over the River Barada in Damascus, which led some to think that these fees were intended to draw scenes from the city of Damascus.

 So, the crystallization of mosaic art after a complete identity of Islamic art, and took himself to this performance, style, creative away from the art (mosaic) west, which was adopted on the use of small pieces are similar geometrically, and therefore was marked by Islamic art approach particularly manifested in the mosques and Islamic monuments that inspired them Muslim artist unique spirit and values ​​of ethical, social and religious.


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