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الخميس، 11 أغسطس 2011

Industry contracts made ​​with beads

Attracts necklaces adults and children together, as they are characterized by colors and shapes, and more of these types exclusive contracts for the neck, which are filled with fashion magazines and stores, which operate on the sale of artifacts manufactured manually, and in sections of pet shops and large commercial markets, which allow the shopper to see such contracts all lengths, colors and forms.

If we go back in memory some years we will find that we have tried to make these contracts, whether for personal use or to offer a gift, and sharpen your property creative design, we offer you through the lines the following summary is full of suggestions and pictures of models different to create more ideas to help you and your family in the production of such contracts.

 Dear reader, I know that each type of beads, string given his convenience, for the beads with a narrow holes used nylon thread or a single high-string your beads Hariri

As for the beads with larger holes Fastaml stronger than nylon thread with a sewing needle appropriate. Usually have your beaded silk thread (thread pool) finished knitted him a high-wire at the tip to facilitate entry into the eye of the needle.

If the contract is short, making it difficult to wear it must be equipped at the end lock, if the contract is one role, but if the contract is composed of several roles Fastaml lock with the jaws and the number of the roles of the decade, but for the decades long they do not need to open and closing, and therefore there is no need for a lock out

 To suspend the lock Hold the thread twice or three times around the ring and pull the end of the string back to back through a few beads and snap adhesive is strong and there is no need to hold the thread if there are beads with hooks then enter the thread in the bead them and then through the loop lock, and then prepared a second bead through the hole with the dogs, a highly motivated Bead adjacent to the lock Ahkmha completely and then use pliers with jaws Aerbin.

If you want to do the work of filamentous decades of experience and by, you do not need more tools to the hands and small scissors as well as beads attractive colors brilliant, and of course to the strong nylon thread (white or black) beads and silk threads.

There are some other contracts that will require industry to the many tools, such as rolls of wire and scissors used to cut the wire, and there Alzerdiat used to bend the wire, and of the types, pliers with jaws elongated to make the wire straight and zigzag, and with jaws Almstderan to form loops, Pliers Small petition to terminate loops and Aerawat.

And soften the ends of the wires are Bgha carefully on the surface cooled, and carefully use the pegs on the surface cooler, where the use of pegs diameter 4 / 1 and 2 / 1 inch, as well as with the three-faceted (triangular section) to form larger rings. There are also hooks Vtstamlan for drying and heating as we shall see later.

The Sucker (Clmon) plastic which is used in drinking the juice, in addition to functioning of skin, also will be used in the manufacture of some contracts and paper used to soften the glass beads handmade and various other types of beads.

 You can buy the tools and wiring of the number of industrial shops, and other requirements arepurchased from stores that sell supplies for manual skills.

For the beads he types and forms of many non-specific, do not despair if you take a lot of time in research in a number of shops for the best kinds of beads and the most glamorous andattractive, and taking into account that not never forgotten favorite color and personal taste for those who will use the contract, whether will be a gift, or that you created for you using itpersonally.

Each contract is different in its structure and its composition and the number of beads needed tomake it, depending on the size of the beads and the length of the contract.

The number of beads needed for the manufacture of beads held by the size and the length of the contract and method of installation in the structure of the contract. The experiences of the firstreasonable to take the thread that you will use in the manufacture of the contract, and the same length is required to purchase the necessary beads for the

Characterized by contracts Kherzah charm, but can use a wire such as copper wire or copper wire covered with silver beads to collect with the part, instead of the nylon strings and others.

It is clear that the thickness of the wire depends on the size of hole beads, beads, where the wire is no doubt an easy process, of course; because the contract resulting from this too harsh, and that the solution be to modify Arawat rings and wire.

Here's how: Cut the wire to cut long enough to bring the equivalent of half-inch (13 mm) from each side of the bead, then smooths both sides of a piece of wire using a cooler, using a roundjaw pliers, bend the two parties to become two opposite directions. Play your episodes a littlebackward so that the holes Tertkzan Bead, and to be a uniform size of rings, save the place that I wrapped the wire it from the jaws of pliers, and must try several episodes before starting the actual work of the contract. Commented links to each other, and shut them down carefully, usingpliers. Finally, check all the links to all be completely closed, so that all beads suspended in a smooth and simple, and can use pliers if necessary, and can coordinate the contract until it looksa landscape attractive, since the use of beads large next to each other makes the landscapecontract heavy, and can be to avoid that, using beads of average size or small, and can also useKhrzatan or three as the separator between the larger beads, which gives the contract more attractive and beautiful.


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