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الخميس، 11 أغسطس 2011

Furniture manufacturing centers in Egypt

Egypt has a strong industrial base in the field of furniture According to data from Information Centre Federation of Egyptian Industries, the investment in the furniture industry more than 5.3 billion pounds and are concentrated mostly in the city of Damietta .. And wooden furniture industry tops the list of other wood industries in terms of importance, where the facilities registered the Federation of Industries, about 500 plant and factory as well as hundreds of small workshops feeding the furniture industry.

As the number of workers working in this industry is around 43 thousand workers. And represent 7.2% of the total industrial establishments and investments equal to about 6% of total investments of the industrial establishment in both the public and private sectors. The furniture industry in Egypt now compete with the largest exporters of furniture in the world, Malaysia, Indonesia and Hong Kong, Thailand and Romania.

 Economists and analysts say that Egypt is able to achieve the same boom and more as it has all the elements that qualify it to become a center for the manufacture of wooden furniture in the region .. Moreover, this important sector in front of him a great opportunity to progress to other export industries other. Attract investments and Dr. Ibrahim Fawzi wooden furniture industry has made remarkable progress in Egypt

And that the industry returned to attract investment from new, especially in light of the increasing demand from some Arab and European countries, but despite the importance of this industry in Egypt and to recognize the local consumer and Arab wa to a foreign value, it is still a missing link led to the decline of Egyptian exports of furniture around 40% in three years, and noted that the expansion of the domestic market and absorb large quantities of production is not sufficient justification for this decline, which requires the cooperation of all producers and exporters and the establishment of the Union for exporters of these products will be aimed at restoration of export rates earlier, and emphasized that the establishment of Arab Free Trade Area and the conclusion of agreements partnership with Europe and America are all factors that market will allow the industry and other industries to achieve good results in the production and export supplies, especially as the industry's available, and there were experienced and trained human cadres

According to the Chamber of timber industry at the Federation of Egyptian Industries, the main problem facing the industry, wooden furniture in Egypt now is the marketing problem, as the furniture industry achieved a high added value and enjoy the availability of skilled labor in Egypt and then must use these factors to get the positive effect of exports of wooden furniture , and the report confirms that the export is very important not less important than the needs of the local market, and that it requires discuss the construction of an Egyptian company specialized in marketing, it is also necessary agreements between Egyptian businessmen of the owners of the factories and among countries that export lumber to the Egyptian factories for imports from Egypt a certain percentage of wooden furniture.

 In this context, suggests room timber industry at the Federation of Egyptian Industries organizing international fairs and specialized major in the field of products, wooden furniture to introduce these products in domestic and overseas markets, where the opposition is the best window of marketing for the products of furniture, a condition that is good preparation for it by choosing exhibitors qualified and diversify the exhibits and invite stakeholders and importers of furniture from abroad, data collection and detailed information about them and study how to take advantage of the blocs that acceded to Egypt and other Arab countries such as COMESA in Africa and the European Union and discussed the export of furniture Arab these new markets, the benefits and exemptions in customs and tax enable the export of Arab presence and compete strongly with imported products corresponding .
Analysts are calling for Egyptian economists contribution of embassies and trade offices and chambers of the Arab common abroad in the promotion of furniture Arab which is characterized by personality and tastes and innovations not found in other furniture competitor, whether European or Asian confirming that the contribution of the embassies and joint chambers of commerce will facilitate the practical force of Egyptian exports of furniture to foreign markets and encourage exporters on production and innovation and presence in those markets and to facilitate their contact with them.

And concentrated furniture industry in Egypt, mainly in the province of Damietta Lower as it produces nearly two-thirds of the production of wooden furniture in Egypt with quality and taste of higher which copes with the latest designs are based furniture industry in the province of Damietta on the timber industry through the factories for the production of timber and plywood mills to produce wood veneer and factories for the production of accessories and furniture knobs and Alkualin Palmublja and paints and various other pieces of furniture

Produces Damietta Governorate nearly two-thirds of furniture production in Egypt and the production is the total annual 375 thousand chamber between (sleep - and trip - Salon - and Reception) as well as the production kitchen and the chair and this craft almost 100 thousand workers, as well as industrial and commercial activities of assistance and estimated daily production nearly two million Egyptian pounds.

Due to the quality of the product Damietta furniture and selves with what is happening from the global development of this industry has found Damietta furniture has a place on the map export for years to compete with global production, is surpassed, there Damietta permanent exhibition for the furniture industry in which to display all the products manufactured in the province.

 And supports economic activity in Damietta, mainly on the human element as the most important resources owned by the Governorate, and the excellence of the population activity and love of work and his mastery of this Alntam allows the provision of quality, based on production units are small and directed conservation efforts with the Social Fund to support the production units and provide loans to artisans and provide inputs . One of the fruits of these efforts to become a Damietta permanent exhibition of the Fair Ground in Cairo to display the Cabinet of quality, taste and high taste. the conservative made ​​great strides in the export production of the Arab countries. play production units and large owned by the public sector role in the increased production.

The third furniture industry the rest in Egypt Viozaa between some governorates, such as Giza, Minya, Assiut, where it produces these provinces have enough or more than they need to meet the need of a neighboring province at most, through a series of small workshops spread in the provinces concerned, and rarely is there a big factory of furniture in these provinces.


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