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الخميس، 11 أغسطس 2011

Chocolate industry

Chocolate grows on the tree continental evergreen tree known as "cocoa" that the seeds are harvested from different sources for all products, including cocoa and chocolate, and that was a tree growing in the wild areas of the tropics in South America since 4000 years BC.

The cocoa tree is characterized by their leaves broad and grows up to 7.5 m high and the scientific name for the cacao tree is "Theobroma Cacao" which means "food of the Gods", and cocoa-like seeds or grain to a large extent almonds.

When the Indians made ​​(the Maya) in their migration to Mexico in the seventeenth century BC, were the first to transplant trees and cocoa seeds as money used for exchange and also to pay tribute. For the Aztec cacao seeds as money and food items. By the seventeenth century became the Goods chocolate in England comparable stores coffee fame, and in 1765 opened the first factory of chocolate in the colony of Massachusetts, and after about sixty years the Dutch chemists "Cunard, the Hutton" invention of presses, Cocoa, which enabled manufacturers of candy do Sweets chocolate mix butter cocoa powder with sugar.

 Places that grow the cacao tree:

     * Central America: Mexico, Costa Rica
     * West Indies: Jamaica, Haiti
     * South America: Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil
     * Africa: Nigeria, Ghana, Madagascar, Congo, Cameroon

Date of manufacture of chocolate:

When it was discovered (Christopher Columbus), the American continent, brought with him a number of plants and agricultural crops and was thus brought with him beads dark color from Mexico, but he did not know anything about how to use these beads to the year (1,519 m)​​, when he found a Spanish explorer (Fernando Cortez) Indians America used beans (cocoa) to prepare a hot drink preparing him for their leaders and call it (chocolate) any drink warm, and the taste of the brew bitter so he (Cortez) and his men to add sugar to it and returned it to Spain, was hidden way of making this drink them to enjoy the nobility alone and delicious beverage, but discovered the secret eventually and fame spread mixture in other countries, and in the middle of the sixteenth century acquired a chocolate drink known in France, and has a French traders opened the first shop to sell hot chocolate drink in London

 The method of making chocolate we eat is said that she goes back to 1879 the city of "Bernier" in Switzerland, where he (Rudolph Lint-Rudolph Lint) to reach the manufacturing process through three phases experienced by the seeds of cocoa (heating, cooling Wolf), and this is the first way been manufacturing chocolate in it.

 By adding condensed milk to the liquid chocolate, and obtained a liquid chocolate that as a byproduct unfermented meat of Procedure of the grain of cocoa, has Swiss also by giving the strength of fine chocolate by the process of classification is called «Concnj» means the shape shellfish and Bashir to form vessels fermentation old and like oysters, where they confuse the parts of the chocolate until it becomes soft textures.

Chocolate has been described as a treatment drug in the fifteenth century to help women increase the secretion of breast milk and increased fat, and improve the efficiency of digestion.

Method of manufacture of chocolate:

The fruit of the cocoa producing different products are all important in the manufacture of chocolate, etc., and this fruit gives the following: coconut cocoa beginning Valthmrh is called Acorn, which gives the seed and all seed containing the granted success and the fetus is small, and stored within the fat which is known Bzbd cocoa.

After fermentation the seeds that give the flavor of dried and sent to factories for the production of cocoa butter and cocoa powder.

Cocoa powder is the product after grinding Filqtin components of the seeds, and the quality of the powder depends on the quality of the original seed and the manufacturers often mix several types of quality seeds for the production of quality required for each plant.

Cocoa butter: The process of extracting so-called fat or cocoa butter from the seeds, squeezing, and may not need certain types of seeds to pre-peeled, and then enter the butter in a different purification processes to clean out used in the manufacture of chocolate and other materials, such as some cosmetics.

  Elements that contain chocolate:

Chocolate gives pleasure and comfort and reduce the energy of frustration and neurological conditions, where the cocoa beans contain chemicals that stimulate the secretion of the subjects of Serotonin & Endorphins in the brain that control mood of the person and reduce the pain he has.

And chocolate contain substances "Filawoonoidz": "Catechin & Procyanidins" of which are rich in antioxidants that protect against cardiovascular disease and cancer, and the more the color was dark as the ratio of these materials by high.

Chocolate also contains caffeine stimulant, as well as certain chemicals found in marijuana drug and its effect is very simple even if the consumption of large quantities of them.

  Types of chocolate:

 1 - chocolate-colored dark brown:
And also called the chocolate with the taste of bitter and sweet at the same time, made ​​from cocoa butter and materials for desalination, and the percentage of cocoa is high.

2 - chocolate covered candy:
It is a mixture of sugar, milk powder, vegetable oil, frozen, Flavour and does not contain cocoa butter.

 3 - Chocolate milk:
The components of cocoa butter, milk, Flavour and materials for desalination, which added to the chocolate syrup and used to cover the candy, too.

4 - white chocolate:
Containing cocoa butter, sugar and Flavors such as vanilla, milk and can be dispensed with cocoa butter with vegetable oil.

 5 - regular chocolate:
That contains cocoa butter as a key and important and add any amount of it to be given more chocolate until it reaches the consistency of the mouth and melt.

6 - Chocolate Albralan:
Are those chocolate filled with nuts or fruit.

Chocolate manufacturing steps:

Different methods of manufacture of chocolate from a factory to another, but all agree in outline the shape of the industry.

1 - prepare for roasting:
Cocoa seeds are stored carefully in a place isolated from the rest of the plant or facility that will be in manufacturing, so as to avoid any interference from other odors change the flavor of these seeds.

The first step in the preparation of the seeds are clean by passing it on a machine to remove the seeds dry damaged or any other impurities which, during that process are weighed and mixed seeds according to the specifications of each company, which vary according to the range of expertise available to it, the form of product to be manufactured in the end

 Is then roasting the seeds of the cocoa-cylinder large, and continue roasting process that for a period ranging between half and two hours, according to the type of seeds, and a temperature of250 degrees Fahrenheit, and while it is turning the seeds through the cylinders to absorb any kind of moisture, and starts color at the transition to dark brown.

2 - Purification Seeds:
After the seeds are roasted, cooled, and here to become fragile, making it easier to remove cat dander, by special machine, then the seeds are classified depending on their size and whetherfragmented or incomplete.

And cocoa butter is extracted from the seeds (which constitutes 53% of them), by grinding the seeds, and is worth mentioning that the cocoa butter is about 25% of the weight of one piece in most types of

3 - manufacture of chocolate powder (cocoa):
Cocoa butter is extracted from the seeds by pumping
Cocoa drink
Hydraulic pipes in a large weighing up to 25 tons, where the separation of liquid fat in containers of metal and is tilted to the color yellow, and then combines to be used in the manufacture of chocolate

 The cocoa butter of major importance among all other vegetable fats, as it freezes at room temperature, and resistance to oxidation makes it very practical for normal conditions of storage, where it can remain for years without going bad. The pulp remaining after the removal of cocoa butter - with a note that it may contain 10% of cocoa butter - After cool are crushed into a powder, cocoa sold in shops and candy stores and bakeries. .

4 - manufacture of chocolate:
While cocoa powder is made by removing the cocoa butter from the seeds, chocolate pieces are manufactured by the addition of cocoa butter, is included in all types of chocolate manufacturers as they are given the necessary flexibility.

And the manufacture of chocolate is sweet for example, add all of the chocolate is sweetened to the sugar, cocoa butter and a little vanilla, and mix in the perineum until you reach the great strength of the dough.


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